About Vinylmark LLC

Vinylmark a new company specialising in vinyl decals, signs, and screen printing.

Who we are:

Vinylmark LLC is owned and operated by two brothers, Jairus and Javan Martin.

Javan is a graduate from Millersville University with a bachelors degree in Financial Economics.

Jairus is currently enrolled at Penn State University with the pursuit of a degree in Electrical Engineering.

Our separate expertise and abilities to work together as a team make us a very effective company.

How we started:

Vinylmark was officially started on January 1st 2011 and we have since expanded by purchasing two more machines to keep up with orders as well as invested in two screen printing presses for making custom apparel and signs.

Where we're headed:

We're anxious to get started, and are constantly working to both come out with new products for our online store as well as on our cousin accounts on sites such as amazon.com and ebay.com.

We want to serve the online community as well as our local community by providing cost effective products and top of the line service. We see ourselves becoming one of the most popular automotive graphics companies in the Lancaster County area and a reputable online merchant.

To all of you, from all of us at Vinylmark LLC - Thank you for working with us!


Jairus Martin

Copyright © 2011-present Vinylmark LLC All rights reserved.